Moto Guzzi, In collaboration with Marvel Entertainment, introduces Journey of Time, a custom comic book collectible commemorating the V100 Mandello. The new and highly anticipated Moto Guzzi stars in a fast-paced story alongside Wolverine, one of the most iconic mutants and popular super heroes in the Marvel Universe.

In Journey of Time, Wolverine finds himself battling ghosts from his past and having to take on Bullseye, one of Marvel’s most lethal super villains. In this story, the Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello plays a prominent role in Wolverine’s history, along with a mysterious woman from his past.


With twists and turns, readers won’t want to miss this thrilling Marvel story, which includes a spectacular chase scene where the Moto Guzzi V100 proves to be a powerful and fast companion for the mutant with adamantium claws. And even in the past, Journey of Time will show how Wolverine and Moto Guzzi have crossed paths before, thanks to a first series V7, one of the Italian manufacturer’s most iconic models.


Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello is the brand new bike from the Eagle brand, a bike created to celebrate the brand’s one hundred year anniversary and which projects Moto Guzzi into a new century of success.

Featuring cutting-edge technology both in the brand new liquid-cooled twin-cylinder and in its fully loaded electronic riding-support package, V100 Mandello opens up an entirely new chapter in Moto Guzzi history, combining the sporty, quick, and agile nature of a true roadster on twisties with the travel and discovery vocation that have always been in the soul of every Moto Guzzi.


Viaggio nel Tempo – Journey of Time will be available in digital version from the link below and can be purchased in physical version at the Moto Guzzi Museum in Mandello del Lario and in the Piaggio Museum in Pontedera, as well as at participating Moto Guzzi dealerships.